Friday, June 15, 2012

Show Off Pony

Wednesday I headed to the barn only to discover Smash had lost a shoe. Ugh! Thankfully the farrier was coming out the next day so she got it replaced quickly. I rescheduled with Steph and thankfully we had a second day of perfect weather!

Yesterday I retrieved Smash from the field and tacked up. This time I tried using my Mom's helmet for the camera which worked a lot better except that I forgot to aim it correctly. Whoops. There went that 30min of footage :( But aside from that we worked on multiple jumps in a row. Partially because Smash was trying to show off for her field-mates and partially for my brain, too. Doing multiple jumps kept Smash's attention much better since she had to concentrate on what was next versus stopping and starting.  While Smash was kind of a brat I still think the day was successful. We had only 2 refusals and one was my fault, one was hers. And I even jumped a Novice fence! :D I felt pretty darn awesome intentionally doing it, too. We worked over some of the same fences as last week but added a bank, a bending line question, and a few new jumps that were on other parts of the property.

Once we were done, I caught up to Daphne and her son, Pox, for a trail ride! I still hadn't seen where the trails even began so it was a nice way to cool Smash off and to relax with friends.

We finally finished up our ride and I gave Smash water and a hose off before turning her back out with her friends. :) I had a great time and I'm feeling more and more confident as I keep practicing! Today I'm going o practice my dressage tests and do a light ride since I haven't really focused on that much. Monday will be our last XC lesson and Wednesday will be our practice show for stadium!! I'm very excited!! I will definitely have the helmet cam correctly positioned this time! Don't you worry! :)

1 week until the big show!! I'm very excited!

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