Sorry for the lack of blog posts. I've been running around like a maniac lately in my non-horse life (hard to imagine I have a real life not surrounded by Smash) and have not been very articulate and figured I'd spare everyone from random statements disguised as a post.
I was going to do a whole video on Rider Fitness (which I still plan to execute!) last weekend but my plans changed so everyone is going to have to just wait for that.
Last night, however, I made a concerning discovery when I went out to ride Smash. She's lame. She was fine on Saturday when a friend rode her yet 2 days later both front feet are sore. She's not "omg get her a cane!" sore and she has no physical signs of an abscess or wound or swelling. The only conclusion we can come up with right now is she bruised her feet running amok in the field with her buddies. Which - let's face it - is highly likely. I gave her some bute after she hobbled her way back to her field and you know what the darn horse did?? I took off her halter to release her back into the field and she took off cantering! Obviously she's not hurt THAT badly if she's going to go running like that. Makes me wonder if she faked it. Do you think horses or animals have the forethought to fake an injury or illness? Like they are in the field and see their owners/riders coming to get them and they think 'Oh crap. There she is. I am so not in the mood to be ridden today. Maybe if I fake lameness she won't ride me. Time to put on the pitiful ouchy eyes!'
SO that means this week's visits to the barn will be purely to check up on her and feed her bute and pray she recovers soon. This is a tough part of horse ownership no one tells you when you buy a horse. No one says "Buy this horse because you'll love taking care of her when she's lame" nor does anyone ever envision their horse getting/being injured. I'm very thankful that Smash does not get hurt/lame very often! *knock on wood* and I sincerely think/hope/pray in a week or so she'll be feeling better.
I guess I didn't really make a super interesting post today like I'd hoped - but I just wanted everyone to know what was going on. AND in case you're wondering, my Mom is recovering well! She got a hard cast put on yesterday and the dr cleared her to start riding again...once Smash is better. Don't worry - I promise to have a much more exciting post up soon! Stay tuned!!
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