Because I did not ride Satchmo this week and instead rode Smashing! I asked for my mom to submit an entry for Satchmo's blog:
"As Sara and I arrived for our lesson yesterday morning, Cathy informed us that Bella lost a shoe so she was not rideable. Sara and I looked at each other wondering what was going to happen. We were a little leery when she said that I would be riding Satchmo and Sara would be riding Smash. We looked at each other, not knowing what to expect. I tacked up Satchmo, who had not a care in the world. Sara was already in the ring on Smash, and the two were getting to know each other a little better. Satchmo and I got along quite well; I learned not to have too much contact with the reins as Satchmo becomes all balled up. I enjoyed Satchmo's canter, and we even did a few "X" jumps. Sara took Smash over (or through) one jump, but Smash stepped it up on the next one by going over the jump. . It was a good lesson for all concerned.
Liz, Guest Blogger"
Monday, June 1, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
He Can be Taught!
After Friday's adventures at Loch Moy, I took Satchmo to Full Moon Farm to compete in Baby Beginner Novice. We started off kind of rough in dressage. I thought it was horrible actually. :/ but then I had some time to get my head back in the game. We then went to stadium and I practically beat Satchmo over every fence *lol* At least no refusals!! :P Then we headed to cross country and went clean!! :D There were a few places that we jumped sideways *lol* but we got over none the less!! :D I was SO happy! And SO proud of Satchmo! He really pulled through!! :D We even got 6th place!!! GO US! :D I'm hoping the next Event I actually can get my head in the game starting with Dressage this time....
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Cross Country Schooling
Yesterday Cassidy and I went Cross COuntry schooling at Loch Moy with Cathy. (wow that's a lot of Cs) I was terrified I was going to fall off or get hurt or bad things would occur. But it turned out to be an AWESOME day and I LOVE SATCHMO!!! :D First we worked on the ditch. That was scary for Satchmo but Smash practically walked in it *lol* so after a few attempts Satchmo finally tried, too, found out it wasn't so bad and then had no problem! We then went to the Water. dundundun! Our Nemisis! This was much more challenging as Smash was scared, too. We spent the first 10 min getting Smash in the water and then the next 15 getting Satchmo in. The poor thing was SO scared he was shaking!! I've never seen a horse THAT scared of the water! LOL! He finally went in, though, and I think he actually had fun in the water once he got in there! Silly boy! So then we went over to the bank which wasn't a problem at all (weird) and rode a couple made up courses that included all of the elements :) Satchmo was like a real Eventing horse! And Smash did so well, too!! What an awesome day! We got home and poticed them both and they got some star treatment ;) Such good ponies! Today will be show prep day and then tomorrow will be our big event! Here's hoping Satchmo remembers our schooling tomorrow *hope*
Monday, May 18, 2009
Satchmo and I are slowly learning what we need to do to get over Satchmo's fear of new things. Basically it comes down to the timing of my crop useage and it was off. Yesterday our lesson was so good! Cathy helped me with the timing of the crop and finally we were communicating a bit better. At least there weren't any refusals :P (ok we had 1 but it was better than before)
I'm hoping to get him out cross country schooling on Friday before our Event. I'm terrified of the event :/
I'm hoping to get him out cross country schooling on Friday before our Event. I'm terrified of the event :/
Monday, May 4, 2009
2 Shows 1 Post
So I have been a bad blogger. I should've posted all about the Hunter Jumper show we did last month but never got around to it. And now I've also done an Event at Equilibrium. SOOO first paragraph or so will be dedicated to the H/J show and the rest will be about yesterday.
I decided to take Satchmo to CHC for a H/J show for some more practice over fences at a new place. And I wanted him to get experience over the 2'3" fences since we had entered in that division at the Events this year. Well it was probably one of the hottest days in April and one of the slowest shows! Ugh! Poor Satchmo and I had to stand around for hours waiting for our time to ride! We did the 2' division first and placed 5th and 6th O/F. We had no chance at placing in the hack class and I was preparred for that. Then the 2'3" division started and those courses weren't nearly as pretty. But I was looking at the CHC website and it says I placed (4pts) so I'm trying to figure out what my place was to get the ribbon *lol* (we didn't stay long enough to hear the pinnings). So all in all, a very good day for Satchmo! He was actinglike a pro! Not getting too nervous and listening pretty well :)
Yesterday, however, was a whole new ball game. It was raining ALL day long. Miserable. We went into dressage and it was horrendous! He kept slipping on the 20 meter circle and it was SO ugly!! But we got a fairly decent score and the judge LOVED Satchmo :) Then we headed off to try our hand at cross country and that was just disgusting. He was refusing everything because of the footing and at times would jump but mainly not. Finally I pulled out when he down right refused to go over the ditch. I just couldn't take the rearing and backing up and stuff any longer...especially in the rain. Thankfully they allowed us to still do a stadium course and then we called it a day. My mom, however, had an AWESOME day and got 4th place!! :) Very cool!! I'm nervous about Full Moon Farm's upcoming event...but we're going to give it a shot.
I decided to take Satchmo to CHC for a H/J show for some more practice over fences at a new place. And I wanted him to get experience over the 2'3" fences since we had entered in that division at the Events this year. Well it was probably one of the hottest days in April and one of the slowest shows! Ugh! Poor Satchmo and I had to stand around for hours waiting for our time to ride! We did the 2' division first and placed 5th and 6th O/F. We had no chance at placing in the hack class and I was preparred for that. Then the 2'3" division started and those courses weren't nearly as pretty. But I was looking at the CHC website and it says I placed (4pts) so I'm trying to figure out what my place was to get the ribbon *lol* (we didn't stay long enough to hear the pinnings). So all in all, a very good day for Satchmo! He was actinglike a pro! Not getting too nervous and listening pretty well :)
Yesterday, however, was a whole new ball game. It was raining ALL day long. Miserable. We went into dressage and it was horrendous! He kept slipping on the 20 meter circle and it was SO ugly!! But we got a fairly decent score and the judge LOVED Satchmo :) Then we headed off to try our hand at cross country and that was just disgusting. He was refusing everything because of the footing and at times would jump but mainly not. Finally I pulled out when he down right refused to go over the ditch. I just couldn't take the rearing and backing up and stuff any longer...especially in the rain. Thankfully they allowed us to still do a stadium course and then we called it a day. My mom, however, had an AWESOME day and got 4th place!! :) Very cool!! I'm nervous about Full Moon Farm's upcoming event...but we're going to give it a shot.
Monday, April 13, 2009
One Eyed Pony
Poor Satchmo's eye was swollen yesterday :( looked like he had hurt it on something. But that didn't get him enough sympathy to not be ridden. Granted I was being a little nice to him - nicer than usual - but I did have to get after him when we started jumping. I had to give him a little whack with the crop because this whole refusing thing has got to stop. After one little tap he did not refuse again! LOL!
Next weekend we are going to Columbia Horse Center for the Hunter/Jumper show. We're going to do 2 divisions. Low Hunter at 2' and Hopeful Hunter at 2'3". I'm nervous! I haven't done a show like that in a LONG time! :) But I'm excited, too! As long as the warm up goes well/schooling we should be fine. Satchmo is pretty smart in that sense.
Hopefully we'll get some good pictures, too! *hope* and maybe a ribbon or 2??
Next weekend we are going to Columbia Horse Center for the Hunter/Jumper show. We're going to do 2 divisions. Low Hunter at 2' and Hopeful Hunter at 2'3". I'm nervous! I haven't done a show like that in a LONG time! :) But I'm excited, too! As long as the warm up goes well/schooling we should be fine. Satchmo is pretty smart in that sense.
Hopefully we'll get some good pictures, too! *hope* and maybe a ribbon or 2??
Monday, March 23, 2009
This Saturday my Mom and I rode in the Full Moon Farm Pipeopener. I did 2 trips in the baby field hoping Satchmo would finally go through the water...sadly he did not and we didn't have the time to try and wait patiently for him to get over his fear. *sigh* but otherwise we had a good day! Mom and Bella were pros through their round! And Satchmo didn't spook at anything else other than the water :) We all had a good time, too, and they also loaded well! All in all, a successful day! I'm hoping in May things continue on this path. Below are pictures from the day :)

Monday, March 9, 2009
Getting ready for Show Season
Yesterday was a great lesson. Got some scary contruction barrels and the tarp back out to practice getting satchmo used to different stuff being thrown at him. I put the tarp out so he gets used to going through things and not just around or over. Then we did jumps over bright barrels. He was scared at first but was actually braver than he was before. I don't know if following Bella had to have at least a little. So I'm confident that in 2 weeks at the pipe opener following Bella once through the water will be just what satchmo needs. Mom took some pictures and now I can update with some recent pics of our progress :) Granted this bunch isn't as graceful as usual but it's still ok :)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
A Patch of Warmth Amongst a Winter Chill
I had to change my lesson to Saturday because of the threat of rain/snow/sleet for Sunday. I think it worked for the best seeing how Satchmo was in a pleasant mood and the weather was randomly warmer than a normal February day. We worked on the flat and he was pretty good - definitely had a better attitude. I worked on my position a bit. Some transitions, too. Then the real fun started! We jumped! :D And we were doing about 2'7" ish. He was jumping like it was nothing :) It'll be time to break out the scary jump stuff soon in preparation for the upcoming show season. I can't wait! I'm sure Satchmo can though.... lol!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Getting back in the saddle
Finally weather and sicknesses and horse show judging gods aligned and allowed for a riding lesson :) I went out last Sunday and although a little chilly, it wasn't too bad. hardly much wind at all! Satchmo was in a grouchy mood. I don't know why. And although he was pretty good on the flat, he was slow and got VERY particular about where I sit for each gait. And each "seat" he wanted me to sit in was like the size of a dime. Sorry, Satchmo, but my butt is bigger than a dime and you're going to have to deal with that. We did a bit of transition work and sitting trot and then some jumping! This week we learned about Oxers! ooooo new! :D I thought for sure Satchmo would look at it and go "WOAH! What happened?" but instead he just didn't want to jump. After I got a hold of a whip and gave a little tap he went over! And from then on out he started to move forward, too! FINALLY! :D The oxers were good, though! We didn't have to drill very hard and for the most part he participated nicely even though he was still being sort of a grouch. Little did he know Vinece would be coming out later to ride *lol*
All in all, a good lesson! :) can't wait for next week!
All in all, a good lesson! :) can't wait for next week!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Back In The Saddle
It's been a while since I've had a lesson because of weather or illnesses. I was SO glad to get back in the saddle but I don't think Satchmo was as happy. Poor pony seemed to be having back problems. Even jumping he wasn't having fun. I'm assuming it's the hard ground and being a little out of shape due to the inconsistency of lessons. Hopefully once the weather warms up and the ground gets softer all of the horses will feel a little better. Even Bella looked heavy on her feet and they both felt stiff. It was a good lesson though! We did some transition stuff and tried jumping but that wasn't as successful because he was ouchy. Hopefully next week he'll feel a little more in shape and a little less sore from getting back in the lesson groove again. And I'll have to get some pictures up for 2009 soon. It's just been so hard to actually keep to a schedule when it might snow one day and be 50 degrees the next. Ugh! I hate the winter!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
First Ride of 2009
This morning - after much hiking and walking yesterday - I went for my first ride in 2009. Satchmo knows when I'm tired and made me work pretty hard during the flat. But it was the jumping that really took it out of me. I just couldn't muster up enough energy to jump much :( we did a few at 2' 4" and I don't know how I managed to stay on a couple of times. If I had had more energy we would've done some at 2' 6". Sorry, Satch :(
My Mom and I decided on horse Halloween costumes so we can be prepared for the Talbot Run costume show in October :P I know it's a little early but at least now we won't have to think up something last minute. I'm going to dress Satchmo up as Michael Phelps with a shoulder guard as his speedo, some goggles, a swimming cap and use some tied up bouys as lap lanes. :P MOm is going to dress Bella up as a Diva, a real one from the Opera :P Horns and braids and all :P very cool!
My Mom and I decided on horse Halloween costumes so we can be prepared for the Talbot Run costume show in October :P I know it's a little early but at least now we won't have to think up something last minute. I'm going to dress Satchmo up as Michael Phelps with a shoulder guard as his speedo, some goggles, a swimming cap and use some tied up bouys as lap lanes. :P MOm is going to dress Bella up as a Diva, a real one from the Opera :P Horns and braids and all :P very cool!
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